Disaggregated demographic data collection

The Commission is collecting disaggregated demographic data from complainants to better understand who experiences discrimination in Alberta and to improve the Commission’s programs and service delivery.

What is disaggregated demographic data?

Disaggregated demographic data is information about age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, education, income, Indigenous identity, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, etc.

This data does not include name or contact information that can identify a person. Instead, data from one person is separated (disaggregated) into the various categories. The data is reported only in these separate categories to protect the confidentiality/privacy of each individual person who shares their information.

Why is disaggregated demographic data collected?

Since September 2023, the Commission has begun collecting and analyzing disaggregated demographic data from complainants. The Commission asks individuals to voluntarily complete the Personal Information step when they submit a complaint form.

The Commission knows discrimination can impact any Albertan, but it particularly affects marginalized people and those who identify as being part of Indigenous, immigrant, racialized, faith, 2SLGBTQ+, or persons with disability communities. The purpose of collecting disaggregated demographic data is to help the Commission identify and address trends in systemic discrimination.

More specifically, the data we collect helps us:

  • better understand the discrimination that diverse groups of people experience
  • identify and remove barriers within the human rights complaints process
  • plan for and deliver equitable and inclusive programs and services
  • create opportunities for engaging and educating the community on human rights

With the encouragement of civil society organizations, many government agencies are collecting disaggregated demographic data. The data helps reveal the challenges and obstacles that the most vulnerable and marginalized populations face.

The Commission welcomed input from community stakeholders about the data collection process and policy before beginning this process. The Commission engaged with many organizations who serve marginalized groups to identify how best to collect and use demographic data ethically and effectively.

What you need to know

  • Disaggregated demographic data is information about age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, education, income, Indigenous identity, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, and more.
  • Disaggregated demographic data does not identify names or contact information.
  • Providing disaggregated demographic data is voluntary.
  • The Commission uses this data to better understand who is experiencing discrimination, as well as trends in discrimination.
  • The Commission does not use this data to make decisions about a complaint.
  • The Commission keeps this data confidential and secure, and uses it only for the purposes described on this page.

Confidentiality of data

The Commission collects this data confidentially and stores it securely. We keep the data separate from the complaint process. To evaluate the data, we combine it with other individual responses to identify trends impacting groups of people of similar backgrounds and identities. We may share these grouped statistics and trends with the public.

The data the Commission collects is not:

  • linked to the complainant’s contact information
  • used by the Commission to affect the complaint or any decision about the complaint
  • shared with the respondent
  • accessible by the people working on the complaint

If you have questions about how the Commission collects and uses disaggregated demographic data, please contact us.


No. The Commission is asking complainants to voluntarily provide this data to help us better understand discrimination in Alberta and the barriers that exist within our organization. Complainants can choose whether to complete all, some, or none of the Personal Information step of the complaint form. Completing this section (or not) does not affect your complaint.

The Commission does not share demographic data with the respondent or the staff who process your complaint. The Commission keeps demographic data separate from the complaint process. We store all demographic data confidentially and securely.

No. The Commission is only collecting the demographic data in the Personal Information section as it is at the time you submit the complaint form. You must, however, contact the Commission if your address, email, or phone number changes.

No, not right now. To start with, the Commission is only collecting data from complainants. In the future, the Commission may decide to collect data about respondents or other Commission programs.

The demographic data you share is collected, stored, and analyzed by a team that is not involved in processing complaints. If you submit your complaint form online, the Commission immediately separates this section. The data analysis team receives the section with a numerical identifier, not your name. If you submit your form by email or mail, the Commission immediately separates this section and sends it to the data analysis team. The rest of the complaint form is sent to the team processing complaints. Safeguards are in place so that human rights officers, the Director of the Commission, the Chief, or Members of the Commission reviewing and processing complaint forms never see your demographic data.