
The Commission made every effort to build accessible functionality onto every page. There are ways to customize your browser to increase accessibility.

American Sign Language

This setting is the master control to turn on (show ASL video features) or turn off (hide ASL video features) on the website. This setting is applied throughout the site where applicable and is applied per browser/per tab. The state of this setting is not saved beyond session expiry or if the browser or tab is closed. Click the icon below to turn the ASL video feature on or off.


Disclaimer: Parts of the Alberta Human Rights Commission’s website and educational resources have been translated. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation. No guarantee of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of any translations made from English into any other language. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in translated materials, refer to the English version, which is the official version.

Text Only (Hide Images)

Through browser settings

  • chrome://settings/content/images (copy and paste into chrome browser)

reference: Clean browsing how to disable images

Through extension:

Through browser settings

  • edge://settings/content/images (copy and paste into chrome browser)

reference: Clean browsing how to disable images

Through browser settings:

  1. Navigate to: about:config
  2. Search for: permissions.default.image
  3. Set the value from 1 (allow images) to 2 (block all images).

reference: Clean browsing how to disable images

Through browser settings:

  1. From the Safari menu, select Preferences....
  2. At the top of the window that appears, click Appearance.
  3. Uncheck Display images when the page opens.

reference: University Information Technology Services

Text Resize


Through Extensions:

Through Add Ons:

Through themes:

Through Mac OS settings:

Reader Mode

To enable Immersive Reader mode:

  • enter read:// before the URL in the address bar (ex. read://
  • An icon will appear on the URL bar to toggle the mode
  • In Immersive Reader mode, various assisted reader options are enabled on the page

reference: Windows Central reader mode steps


The Commission is committed to ensuring that complainants, respondents, and all those who take part in our processes are able to fully participate. This outlines some of the services available to the public upon request. Refer to the information below to contact the Commission about requesting an accommodation.

Accommodations available

A variety of accommodations may be available to help parties fully participate in our complaint and tribunal processes, including:

  • different communication methods, such as email, video, or in-person
  • language translation
  • American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation
  • Video-Relay Service (VRS)
  • accessible document formats, such as large format
  • a support person
  • reasonable adjustments to scheduling, such as additional breaks, different start times, and shorter days
  • access to a computer or phone from a Commission office to attend a virtual meeting, such as conciliation, Tribunal Dispute Resolution (TDR), pre-hearing conference, or tribunal hearing)
  • recording a tribunal hearing (see the Tribunal’s practice direction on recordings and transcripts of proceedings)

This is not a complete list of all the accommodations available. Parties can work with the Commission to identify and request appropriate accommodations.

The Commission is also committed to ensuring our accommodation process is respectful of the diverse populations we serve. A formal request for accommodation is not always necessary. For instance, a party may inform the Commission of their correct pronoun prior to or at any point during the complaint or tribunal process (see the Tribunal’s practice direction on pronouns and form of address).

Factors impacting an accommodation request

The Commission is only required to provide accommodations for needs (not preferences) to the point of “undue hardship.” This means that if a requested accommodation impacts the timeliness of the complaint process or the right to a fair hearing, it may not be possible to provide. Instead, the Commission will work with the party to determine an appropriate accommodation that is less disruptive to the fairness of our processes, while still accommodating individual needs to the best of our ability.

The Commission may ask for information regarding an accommodation request, such as medical records, to:

  • determine if the requested accommodation is linked to a protected ground in the Alberta Human Rights Act, and
  • better understand an individual’s needs so we can determine how to make our processes more accessible.

How to request an accommodation

The party requesting an accommodation should contact the Commission and provide details of what they need. In some cases, the Commission may ask for more information, including relevant medical records. The party requesting the accommodation does not need to send their accommodation request to the other parties, unless the Commission thinks the accommodation could impact the rights of the other parties.

If you are involved in the Tribunal process, read the Accommodations practice direction for more information, including how to request accommodation.